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Welcome to Principle 8: Commit Yourself

(approximately 23 minutes in duration)


How is our performance affected by our level of commitments kept, versus our actual level of commitment we put into acheiving our goals? And, its worth to our life, the quality of it?


You want MORE OUT of life? Then you have to put MORE IN!


Commit yourself.  Understanding the psychology behind keeping our commitments and what it means to building a healthy level of self confidence is paramount to moving forward in a consistently routine, as if now in an automatic manner. Yes, it's hard at times to break the cycle of old habits, our old ways of thinking about results vs performance because it forces the smart ones to accept what we're no good at it. We cannot do everything ourselves, but if we really want it, better performance, better results, we will find a way to do so, by focusing on what we CAN control, not on what we CANNOT control. Once there, now we can truly commit. 


As this is the 8th Principle it will be featured in our 8th month, August, of our Podcast; "Sunday's At The Asylum" during a segment called: The Lost of The Self Managers.


I narrate and host this audio series and am fully aware of when I need to stay on trac, and when I can coast, and when I'm sliding.


I discuss parts of Principle 8 and how they help me stay on trac and not get lost in my daily life or performing at my best that day. And I ask the listener to write in their questions to be discussed in our next episode of Season 3, this coming September 2023.


I record and produce the 1999 text, by Dr. John C. Marshall, Ph.D., The Principles of Self Management, the key to personal and professional success, now, all 9 Principles are accessible 24/7 in 9 audio episodes, digitally reproduced in an abridged version.


Think about it... you now have a "heads coach", a top performance Ph.D behavioural, sports psych coach, available to listen in on, with respect to proven winning psycholgically based strategies that can be learned and applied into their daily performances, to keep them, and you, should you choose, to perform at your best, whether it be in your personal or professional life, 24/7, anywhere in the solar system you can snag this signal.


Join the group, ask others some questions... there's no place like first place, and if you want to win them all, you have to win the first.


So... Commit Yourself.  30 minutes in duration. Take this for a walk in the park... and just listen, a few times.


You've got nothing to lose.






Principle 8 - Commit Yourself

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