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Principle 9: Decide Once; Psychological Time Management

(approximately 20 minutes in duration)


Welcome to the final Principle!


We tie it all together in Principle 9. We look into our actions in keeping our commitments, and we break it down into 3 common sense categories;


1/ Planning: Choose What Should Be Done

2/ Decision: Turn The "I Should" to "I Will"

3/ Action: Turn "I Will" to "It's Done!"


I record and produce the audio version of the 1999 text, co-authored by Dr. John C. Marshall, Ph.D., The Principles of Self Management, the key to personal and professional success.


Now, for the first time ever, all 9 Principles are accessible 24/7 in 9 audio episodes, digitally reproduced in an abridged version, brought to life by me, your's truly, Dave Archer, the Top Banana at ... we create unforgettable learning experiences.


When you think about it, you have access to your very own "performance heads coach", a top performance improvement Ph.D behavioural sports and business psycholgy, available to listen in on, with respect to proven winning psychologically based strategies that can be learned and applied into anyones daily performance, 24/7.


You buy it, you download it, it's yours, forever! 


Join the group, ask some questions... there's no place like first place, and if you want to win them all, you have to win the first. So... Decide Once... psychological time management.


What are you waiting for... to slide safely into death? :)




Principle 9 - Decide Once; Psychological Time Management

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