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Great Gift, The Gift of Sanity... A "Head's" coach to play in your head, all to yourself, whenever, wherever you need it. Listen to all 9 Principles of Self Management - the key to personal and professional success...


From the 1999 text, as written by Dr. John C. Marshall Ph.D. The CEO and President of The Self Management Group,


First - The Introduction... what's in it for you?

Principle 1 - performance the key to success - how do we measure performance vs our results? The Performance equation Talent x Habits x Environment = Results

Principle 2 - expectations dictate performance - no expectations, no performance

Principle 3 - reinforcement creates habits - Got any New Year Resolutions? Smoking, Drinking, Better Job, Better Life....

Principle 4 - motivate yourself, others can't

Principle 5 - manage your return on energy (ROE) Avoid Burnout and... the secret to happiness

Principle 6 - manage effort - learning to control the controllables, you only have so much time

Principle 7 - manage self confidence

Principle 8 - Commitment vs Commitments

Principle 9 - Decide Once - Psychological Time Management

Summary, Conclusions, Applications


Time to develop your Eh! Game


Play this in your head.... a head's coach... and stay on trac with your performance!


Turn ON, Tune IN, Tune OUT as you please, or whenever you need a little "head's coaching". 


Develop Your EH! Game... it's a Canadian Thing



The Entire Audio Book The 9 Principles of Self Management

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